
1. What is the right method of bamboo harvest?

A few things need to be considered during bamboo harvest are:

  1. All bamboo needs to be harvested during the dry season (Oct-May).
  2. Bamboo needs to be harvested during the morning time.
  3. Mature bamboo needs to be harvested of more than 2.5 years.

2. How to treat bamboo?

Bamboo treatment is the process of removing starch from bamboo using different methods. The traditional method includes dipping bamboo into pond or running water such as stream or river.

When the right bamboo is harvested, the harvested bamboo is then brought to the treatment center within 72 hours of harvest. Boron compound consisting of Boric acid and Borax are mixed in the ratio of (1:2) Kg in the 100 liters of water for 7 to 10 days.

3. How to avoid cracks in bamboo?

Bamboo cracks appear when the bamboo is not dried uniformly. So, in order to avoid cracks we need to avoid direct contact from sunlight, remove the excessive liquid in bamboo after treatment by vertical drying with frequent rotation, horizontal drying the bamboo by facing the bamboo north south direction and storing it in cool and dry place with proper shade.

4. What is treated bamboo?

When the rightly harvested bamboo is treated using boron compound chemical for 7 to 10 days, the starch in the bamboo is removed, hence making bamboo less vulnerable to any chemical attack.




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